The Wedding Tree

The Bridger-Teton National Forest is known for its wild and scenic watersheds, wildlife, and wildlands, and, in the Jackson and Blackrock Ranger Districts, its views of the Tetons. For decades, one tree with especially spectacular Teton views has been a popular wedding site. It’s so popular that it is known simply as “The Wedding Tree.” It’s also so popular that it must be reserved.
Wedding site use on the Bridger-Teton National Forest is on a first-come, first-served basis based on the date the event request is received. Requests must be received at least 30 days prior to the event date. Large or complex events may require more than 30 days to process. Requests must be submitted by the individuals getting married rather than a third party such as a wedding planner or relative. Guest limit: 75. A non-refundable processing fee of $300 is due at the signing of this Operating Plan. This Operating Plan describes the terms and conditions that must be adhered to during the event to ensure protection of National Forest System lands and resources, promotion of public health and safety, and allocation of space among competing uses on National Forest System lands.
Read more about the Operating Plan.
Photo taken by Megan Lee Photo @meganleephoto
Wedding Tree FAQ
Add Friends of the Bridger-Teton to your Wedding Registry
You must love our public lands and open spaces as much as we do! Now you can easily add Friends of the Bridger-Teton to your online wedding registry.
We are partner to one of the largest National Forests in the United States, the Bridger-Teton National Forest, and we depend on your support to keep trails cleared, campgrounds clean, and our Forest protected from catastrophic from human-caused wildfires. We can’t think of a better wedding gift than that!
You can embed the link below in your online registry and all donations will go directly to Friends of the Bridger-Teton’s important work.
Make sure your gift givers dedicate the donation to the lucky couple so we can celebrate together!
The Wedding Tree is located on the Bridger-Teton National Forest’s Jackson Ranger District. Without summer 2023 construction delays, it is about a 40-45 minute drive from downtown Jackson.
There is no address for the Wedding Tree. (But the lat/long coordinates are: 43.631089, -110.564799)
To get to it, drive to Kelly (this is your last chance to buy drinks or snacks, and that’s only if Kelly on the Gros Ventre is open). Continue north on the Gros Ventre Road from Kelly. Less than one mile north of Kelly, turn right to continue on Gros Ventre Road. The road climbs for a couple of miles. Pass the Gros Ventre River Ranch, but before you get to Slide Lake, there is a pull-out on the south (right) side of the road. From here, it’s a 5-minute walk.
In the winter (November through April), 4-wheel drive vehicles are recommended.
Email with questions.
Am I guaranteed exclusive access to the Wedding Tree for my event? If someone else shows up can I tell them to leave?
No. The Wedding Tree cannot be reserved exclusively for your event. The Wedding Tree is located on public land; free and unrestricted access to and upon the premises must be maintained at all times.
Can I hire a photographer?
For all commercial filming and still photography requests at the Wedding Tree, please see this site for information about how to get a permit. Permits for photography at the Wedding Tree should be made at least 28 days in advance of the ceremony.
Can I use a sound system?
No. Electronically amplified sound systems/music and structures (such as large props and/or stages) are not permitted. However, acoustic music is allowed.
Can I have an arch?
No. Erecting or placing of alters, arbors, arches, platforms, podiums, rugs, tables, and tents are prohibited.
Can I have props delivered?
No. Commercial delivery of goods and services is not permitted on the National Forest, except for a porta-potty (if needed), photographer, and the officiant conducting the ceremony.
Can I bring chairs?
Yes, under special circumstances, such as for guests who would have difficulty standing for the duration of the event. Chairs must be delivered and set-up by the authorized user, not by a commercial delivery service.
Can I scatter flower petals?
No. Scattering, spreading or throwing of any materials (e.g., birdseed, rice, flower petals, confetti) or releasing of any objects (e.g., balloons, butterflies, birds) is prohibited.
Can we park in the grass along the road?
No. Parking is only permitted in designated parking areas; parking along roadsides or in vegetation is prohibited. Parking at the Wedding Tree is authorized for up to 6 passenger vehicles. Carpooling and/or shuttle services are encouraged due to limited parking areas.
Are there bathroom facilities?
There are no bathroom facilities located at the Wedding Tree site. The closets bathrooms are located 5 miles west of the Wedding Tree in the town of Kelly or at the Atherton Creek Campground (2.4 miles East).
Are there any stores or other services?
There are no services or stores leading up the Gros Ventre Road. If you do go out to this area of the forest, be prepared with a full tank of gas, water, food and provisions.
Is there cell phone service available?
Cellular phone service is not guaranteed.
Can we camp on location?
Dispersed camping is not allowed in this area as of October 2018.
Are campfires allowed?
Depending on the fire danger rating, campfires may be allowed in designated campfire rings. Inquire about the current fire risk here.
Are refunds offered in the event of a cancellation?
We understand life happens and there may be a need to cancel your wedding, however, Friends of the Bridger-Teton does not offer any refunds.
Please know we’re not a wedding planner. If you have any specific questions regarding the needs of your wedding ceremony please reach out to an event specialist.
For any additional inquiries about the Wedding Tree site, please contact us at: