Keep the Bridger-Teton National Forest amazing.
The Bridger-Teton National Forest is bigger than Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks combined, and home to some of the wildest landscapes in the Lower 48. It has 3 Wilderness areas and more than 2,500 miles of trails, and contains the headwaters of the Green and Snake Rivers. People recreate, recharge, and find refuge on the BTNF. If you haven't, please explore the forest, whether by skiing, hiking, hunting, fishing, or collecting firewood. Humans aren't the only users of the BTNF, though: 74 species of mammals, 355 species of birds, six species of reptiles, and 25 species of fish live within its borders.
We're a little biased, but we think national forests are even more amazing than national parks. Why?
- National forests are more accessible; there’s no entrance fee for the BTNF. (There’s not even an entrance station!)
- National forests are often less crowded than national parks.
- National forests are bigger than national parks; the U.S.’s 154 national forests total 193 million acres, bigger than every state but Alaska. 424 national park sites total 84 million acres. #nationalforestsforthewin
The USDA Forest Service manages all national forests (not the National Park Service or Department of the Interior).
La naturaleza es para todas.
- Los bosques nacionales son más accesibles; no hay cuota de entrada para el BTNF? (¡Ni siquiera hay una estación de entrada!)
- Los bosques nacionales suelen estar menos poblados que los parques nacionales.
- Los bosques nacionales son más grandes que los parques nacionales; Los 154 bosques nacionales de EE. UU. suman 193 millones de acres, más grandes que todos los estados excepto Alaska. 424 sitios de parques nacionales suman 84 millones de acres. #bosquesnacionalesparaganar
El Servicio Forestal del USDA administra todos los bosques nacionales (no el Servicio de Parques Nacionales ni el Departamento del Interior).
Estos videos explicá ¿cómo prevenir accidentes? ¿Cómo dejar un lugar mejor de como lo encontraste? ¿Qué encargar para una caminata? ¿Y cómo protegerse de y cohabitar con osos?

Big Views, Bigger Visions.
Keeping so many different users and communities connected requires collaboration and communication.
Meet Our Ambassadors
Ambassadors are liaisons in the field to act in the best interest of you, wildlife, and the land you share. Just like our beloved sagebrush, they are fundamental to our Friends of the Bridger-Teton ecosystem.
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Thanks for being a friend.
We still have our work cut out for us. But with friends like you, dozens of incredible non-profit partners, and a shoulder-to-shoulder partnership with the Bridger- Teton National Forest, we're optimistic about what we can do together.